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"Extraterritorial Realm/the second texture" 域外邊境-第二層質域

Organic and inorganic...
Control and disorder...
Surface and inner...

In the period of residency, I noticed that there are many demolitions around the city in Enschede. I collected some used wreckages from the areas and translate to abstract textures.

Unknown Monuments/ 未知紀念碑


Artist collections, CCFL light, Mixed media
Size variable

Sightless Being/ 未竟的存在


Woods, servo motors, Arduino, tuning forks, loudspeakers
34cm X 32cm X 12cm

Now is...before was... / 如同現在與過去的樣貌


Woods, UV lights, cotton threads
Size variable

Ablation Daily / 日常消融


Computer, projector
Size variable

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