"This Shore: Critical Border" - 此岸:臨界邊境
CHEN Yu-Jung solo Exhibition

21 May 2021 - 10 September 2021
Tsung-Yeh Artist Village (Tainan,Taiwan)
The project on the one hand hopes to re-think the nature of creation and on the other hand, hopes that through the metaphor of images and sound, it will make real the environment and personal perceptions. This not only is manifested through feelings but at the same time, is aesthetic. The entire creative process is also a manifestation of how reality can lead to an even farther subconscious which reflects the emotions and spiritual levels hidden in the material. Through the process of residency in the village, a large number of outdoor measurement and recording of soundscapes and images are used as the relationship between the spatial field and river basin governance.
This Shore: Critical Border
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projector, acrylics, led strips, irons, loudspeakers, 2 channel videos, DMX light controller