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"Now is Nowhere" 今無處所在

There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in. --- Leonard Cohen
This exhibition features my construction of a scene that is related to some images of cracks and nature remains that I collected in Daejeon in Korea. I deal with emotional attachment to certain objects that contain fragments of daily life. The theme of “Now is Nowhere” explores the depiction of “time” and “trace”. Light and shadow are two sides of the creation.

“Now is Nowhere” CHEN YU-JUNG solo exhibition
Daejeon, South Korea
TEMI Art Center
20 April 2020 - 26 April 2020
Now is Nowhere
Size variable
Single-channel video(11’12”), neon lights, Arduino, relay module, led tubes, soil, plant, bark, smoke machine, laser light, concrete, ready-made branch, caution tape